Call Us Today (435) 687-2436

Copyright © City of Huntington, Utah. All rights reserved.

Huntington Public Services


Relay Utah 711 *Spanish Relay Utah 1(888) 346-3162

Fax: 1(801) 468-0211 *Equal Opportunity employer/Programs

Contact City Hall at (435) 687-2436 for the following services:

  • Business License – All licenses expire on December 31.
  • Cemetery – Purchase of plots
  • Dog Licenses – All licenses expire on December 31, must have a current rabies certification to renew.  No fee for spayed or neutered dogs.  Unaltered cost is $30.00.
  • Water, sewer and secondary water hook ups
  • Garbage service
  • Huntington Dumpsite​


    The Fraud Hotline allows anyone to report suspected acts of financial wrongdoing by                  employees of, or within, the Huntington City government.  Submit information regarding          suspected wrong doing (fraud or waste) at any time using the form below.  You have the          option to remain completely anonymous or you may request that someone from the Audit        committee follow up with you.  The information you provide is confidential and anonymous      and will go directly to the Huntington City Audit Committee (a committee led by two City          Council Members).


   Fraud - Attempting to obtain something of value through willful misrepresentation.

   Waste - Squandering money or resources, even if not explicitly illegal

Hotline Policy Form.08192020.pdf

Department Contact Information

Animal Control 

Robert Baker – (435) 609-0186

Weekend and Holidays contact Emery County Sheriff Office 435-381-2111

Building Permits issued through Emery County

Zoning Clearances 

Gary Arrington – (435) 650-1011

Zoning Administrator/Code Enforcement

Gary Arrington – (435) 650-1011

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